Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Tungsten in light bulbs Essays

Tungsten in light bulbs Essays Tungsten in light bulbs Paper Tungsten in light bulbs Paper The reason for tungstens unusually high melting point is that potassium was located in small bubbles in the tungsten. It is these potassium bubbles which provide the wire with its unique high temperature creep resistance. Potassium is essentially insoluble in the tungsten. The bubbles are first formed from the doped powder in the pure tungsten during sintering. Sintering is a process that takes place when they make the tungsten wire. When they are making the wire these initial bubbles are drawn out into tubes. When the wire is annealed, these tubes break up to form the rows of bubbles. Once this is complete, the tungsten can be coiled into a filament and recrystallised. When the wire is recrystallised, the grain boundaries combine with the potassium bubble rows as the boundaries move, creating an interlocking grain structure How does a halogen light use tungsten to work? How does a halogen light work? A normal light bulb is made up of a fairly large, thin glass covering. Inside the glass is an inert gas such as argon and/or nitrogen. At the centre of the lamp is a tungsten filament. Electricity heats this filament up to about 2,200 degrees C. Just like any hot metal, the tungsten gets white hot at that heat and emits a great deal of visible light in a process called incandescence. A normal light bulb is not very efficient, and it only lasts about 750 to 1,000 hours in normal use. Its not very efficient because, in the process of radiating light, it also radiates a huge amount of infrared heat, far more heat than light. Since the purpose of a light bulb is to generate light, the heat is wasted energy. It doesnt last very long because the tungsten in the filament evaporates and deposits on the glass. Eventually, a thin spot in the filament causes the filament to break, and the bulb burns out. A halogen lamp also uses a tungsten filament, but it is encased inside a much smaller quartz covering. Because the covering is so close to the filament, it would melt if it were made from glass. The gas inside the covering is also different; it consists of a gas from the halogen group. These gases combine with tungsten vapour! If the temperature is high enough, the halogen gas will combine with tungsten atoms as they evaporate and redeposit them on the filament. This recycling process lets the filament last a lot longer. In addition, it is now possible to run the filament hotter, meaning you get more light per unit of energy. You still get a lot of heat, and because the quartz covering is so close to the filament, it is much hotter then a normal light bulb. These bulbs are only about 15% more efficient than standard incandescents. Properties of tungsten How is tungsten made? There are two major minerals in tungsten. The first is wolframite [(Fe, Mn)WO4], which contains iron and manganese. The second is Scheelite (CaWO4), which makes a bright bluish colour under ultraviolet light. After grinding and cleaning, the ores are treated with alkalis to yield tungsten trioxide (WO3). The trioxide is finally reduced with carbon or hydrogen gas to produce the pure metal. Main properties of tungsten Tungsten has many unique properties that contribute to its outstanding performance as an electrical contact. It has a melting point of 3410i C, boiling point of 5660i C, high density, and links electrical and thermal conductivity. These properties provide it with excellent resistance to sticking or welding, and outstanding resistance to metal transfer and electrical erosion. Tungsten is a steel-grey to tin-white metal. Impure tungsten metal is quite brittle, although pure tungsten can be cut with a saw, spun, drawn, forged, and extruded. Tungsten has the highest melting point and the lowest vapour pressure of the metals. At temperatures exceeding 1650i C, it has the highest tensile strength. Tungsten oxidizes in air at high temperatures. Because of its high temperature strength, tungsten is used in a number of applications where the temperature is as high as 4500i F. Unfortunately, tungsten is not an inert metal, and reacts with certain gases and other materials unless adequate precautions are observed. Air: Above 950i F tungsten reacts with the oxygen in air forming a volatile oxide coating on the surface. This is a surface reaction which, while causing wastage of the tungsten, does it no internal structural harm. Above 2200i F, there is a strong evaporation of the oxide formation. Obviously tungsten should not be used in air above 950i F except for very short duration. Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Ammonia and Inert Gases: For all practical purposes, tungsten is stable with all these gases up to its melting point. Water Vapour: Tungsten can tolerate water vapour at all temperatures. Carbon Dioxide Monoxide: Above 2500i F, carbon dioxide oxidizes tungsten. Above 1450i F, carbon monoxide reacts with tungsten to form its carbide. Carbon Hydrocarbons: Tungsten reacts with graphite and other carbon forms above 2550i F to form tungsten carbide. Molten Metals: Tungsten exhibits good resistance to attack from many molten metals including mercury, gallium, sodium, potassium, NAK, magnesium, bismuth and zinc. Tungsten is attacked by molten aluminium; however, the rate of attack is much less than with other metals. Atomic Number 74 Atomic Weight 183. 86 Maximum Density at 20i C (68i F) 19. 3 g Melting Point 3410i C (6170i F) Thermal Conductivity at 20i C 0. 40 cal/cm/i C/sec Electrical Conductivity 31% IACS Tensile Strength at Room Temp. 100,000 500,000 psi Tensile Strength at 500i C (932i F) 75,000 194,000 psi Tensile Strength at 1000i C (1832i F) 50,000 75,000 psi Shell structure of tungsten.

Friday, November 22, 2019

How Women Can Maximize Their Leadership Skills

How Women Can Maximize Their Leadership Skills There’s a long way to go before we can say that we have gender equality in the workforce. That ideal  world would include total guaranteed pay equity, family leave, and a host of other less tangible things on the equality laundry list- most which would involve women getting the respect they deserve, not to mention recognition for their performance and the freedom to go about their workdays without having to deflect sexism or misogyny. Maybe you work in an environment that feels well ahead of the curve. If so, that’s awesome. But perhaps you don’t, and you are striving to understand how you can have the kind of career you want despite the minefield of obstacles that seem to stand in your path. Either way, let’s face it. Women can- and often are- treated differently in the workplace.Have you ever been called â€Å"honey† or â€Å"doll† by a client or a superior? Have you ever been the only person asked to fetch coffee in a meeting of mostly m en? Have you been passed over for promotions in favor of male colleagues who haven’t been working there as long as you have and, at least as far as you can tell, haven’t matched your performance or achievements? These are but a few of the many ways in which women are still being left behind professionally.According to the latest accounting by Catalyst, women currently hold only 5.8% of CEO positions at SP 500 companies. That’s a pretty measly slice of the pie. How, you might be wondering, can those odds be changed? There’s a lot of chatter (online and in bestselling books and inspirational speeches) about what women need to do to get to the top. â€Å"Leaning in† is just one strategy. Dressing or acting less feminine is another popular one- that means upping your aggression, going in for the kill, learning to be a mercenary in a cutthroat business world. But if these strategies feel a little severe to you, or abrasive, or you just can’t imag ine these tactics working for you, there are other ways.Embrace Your Natural Leadership AbilitiesKeep in mind, women have a wealth of natural leadership skills- and have for generations. Think about the hardworking, iron-willed and purposeful women in your family. Think about how your family has been held together and shepherded through tough times over the years. Chances are a woman is responsible for some or most of that. Think for a second about the unsung skills of your foremothers. Just because they aren’t recognized as they should be doesn’t mean their skills aren’t praiseworthy- and aren’t just the kind of leadership qualities you might innately possess.Things like emotional intelligence, instinct, crisis management, multitasking, troubleshooting, and opportunity managing. Women have (mostly) run the domestic show for a long time, and so effectively and seamlessly that nobody thinks to notice their labors, or their wealth of skills- or to notice ho w those skills might so easily translate into assets in the corporate world.Every woman is different. And gender differences don’t always fall along cookie-cutter lines. There are plenty of women who wouldn’t identify with all or any of the above traits, and plenty of men who would. But, generally speaking, most women do tend to be more collaborative and to take a slightly different tack in decision-making and leadership matters.Just because there are these marked and observable differences in most cases, it is also true that there aren’t any real substantive differences in what it takes to be a good leader that would disqualify a woman or more naturally recommend a man. Women are just as passionate, just as entrepreneurial, just as driven, just as strategic, and every bit as capable. Humans are humans, after all.According to a Gallup poll in 2015, employees with female managers were found to be more engaged in their work than those with male managers. Despite t his- and despite the fact that women are 51% of the population, only 33% of employees in the U.S. have female bosses or supervisors. At the 2013 World Economic Forum, founder and executive chairman Klaus Schwab said that â€Å"A world where women make up less than 20% of the global decision-makers is a world that is missing a huge opportunity for growth and ignoring an untapped reservoir of potential†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He was (and still is) right. The more diversity of decision-makers in the workplace and the world, the better off the world and the workplace will be.Develop Key SkillsStart by leveraging the authentic qualities you started out with, rather than downplaying those traits in favor of more stereotypically masculine ones. Embrace your empathy and intuition. They can be invaluable tools for innovation and strategic marketing. Lead by example. â€Å"Go high† when everybody else is going low (thanks, Michelle Obama!). Use your problem-solving skills rather than studying f rom some male-written business manual. Trust your own ideas. Speak when you feel you should, but not just for the sake of speaking. Stay quiet and listen when you feel that’s most appropriate- you’ll never know what you might learn or how your patience might be rewarded when you finally do interject and lobby for your ideas.Cultivate ConfidenceThis may be a tough one, but it’s necessary. Ever met a male CEO or industry leader without it? Start by faking it; eventually you’ll make it. And remember, you won’t get where you want to go by trying to please everyone you come across. If you’ve done your homework and you know your industry and your job inside and out, then speak up; join the fray. Trust yourself. You know what you’re talking about. Speak up and share it. Don’t be afraid to show the world that you are well aware of your own merits and qualifications and that you feel quite strongly when you’ve got the right idea. Be an Actor, Not a ReactorKeep an eye out for opportunities to make a real impact and create a reputation for being a real contributor to projects and causes that matter. But also try to balance that a bit. Work-life balance is important. You can’t rise to the top if you’re too stressed and exhausted to support yourself on the way up. Your contributions will be most valuable when they’re backed up by good stores of sleep and health and verve.Work to Build a Matriarchy from WithinHelp other women. Pull your sisters up to the next promontory as you reach it. Mentor women and girls in your field. But also keep in mind that (most) men aren’t adversaries. Reach out for other, very different perspectives and advice. Seek out both male and female mentors and learn to navigate a path that feels right to you between their unique points of view. Learn to see what all good leaders have in common, regardless of their gender. (Hint: this will be a long list.)Above All : Listen for Your Own VoiceSeek out the stories of women who have made it to those coveted top rungs. Many top women leaders will say that there are a few qualities most crucial to the kind of success in leadership that you crave. Things like being proactive, constantly striving to learn new things and move your business (and indeed your industry) forward. Being able to negotiate confidently, rather than settle quietly. Being flexible, and able to adapt to any situation or crisis you may confront, open enough to think outside the box for a solution. But also keeping your eyes open, using your listening skills and powers of observation. Staying focused, despite all of the noise. Being authentic, true to yourself, but never keeping silent. Being outspoken, even if that means learning to get comfortable not being universally liked.Remember, you are your best (and sometimes only) advocate. Only you can be truly confident in your capabilities. It’s up to you to convince everyone e lse. Toot your own horn and the horns of the women you work with. No one will do it for you. Strike that power pose and unleash your creative forces. Pitch your ideas. Be audacious. Soon, you’ll be respected, even if not universally everyone’s best pal or favorite colleague. Respect, above all else, is key.In an ideal world, the burden wouldn’t fall so squarely on women to prove their mettle and earn the respect their male colleagues seem to start with at the bottom rung. But the world won’t always be so lopsided. You could be one of tomorrow’s leaders, a captain of industry who commands respect and changes lives. You could help shape a better, brighter world- not just for women in the workplace, but for all of us. So go ahead and take your seat at the conference table. And don’t be afraid to stand up and grab the mic.

Thursday, November 21, 2019


HOW MIGHT THE FAN PRACTICES THAT PRODUCE A CULT TEXT BE CATEGORIZED AS EITHER MASCULINE OF FEMININE; THIS ACCORDING TO GENDERED COMPETENCIES AND DISPOSITIONS AS FOUND IN THE AMERICAN SERIES TRUE BLOOD - Essay Example Vampires, two years prior, remained hidden from the Human Race; dwelling in the shadows while preying on human beings for their blood that was the vampires lifeline. This, however, changes when scientists in Japan create an artificial form of blood called â€Å"True Blood† that takes the place of human beings’ blood. They no longer have their survival controlled by the need for human blood. Instead, the vampire race is able to integrate itself into the â€Å"Mainstream† Human society. The resultant interactions are mutually suspicious with each race preferring its own company; often being intolerant of the other (Broyles, 2010, p. 56). Vampire blood, on the other hand, is categorized as being a kind of human narcotic: â€Å"V† or â€Å"V Juice† that is often sought after by the Human race. Sookie, the main protagonist is caught up in a fight between a human couple and a vampire male, Merlotte’s first, who were attempting to drain his blood. From this scene, the notion of women’s’ hospitability, non- violence and accepting nature is exhibited; this contributing immensely to the ensuing relationship that was to develop between her, Sookie, and the vampire, Bill Compton. From this relationship, a host of vampire culture and psychology is explored with great limitations being portrayed on vampire psychology. The receptive and understanding nature of Sookie epitomizes the goodwill and caring nature present in the female psychology (Hammond, 2006, p. 136). The murders of several women, all connected to Sookie’s older Brother Jason, provides the first season’s major plot. ... 136). The murders of several women, all connected to Sookie’s older Brother Jason, provides the first season’s major plot. Among the victims are Maudette Pickens, a sexual partner; Dawn Green, one of Merlotte’s servers; Grandmother Adele and girlfriend Amy Burley. He is addicted to vampire blood â€Å"V†; that is a human narcotic unlike anything manufactured at the time. The viewers’ knowledge of Jason’s innocence does not help much in easing the constant accusations and investigations carried out by detective Andy, in conjunction with Sheriff Bud, who target him as the main suspect in the investigations. The theme of masculinity comes out with the accusations, of the murders, and the constant harassment of the perceived suspect by the local authority. Violence and other acts of violence are socialized with the notion of masculinity while the feminine nature is credited with old age (Grandmother Adele), sensual and sexual pleasures as portray ed by Maudette and Marlette’s Dawn Green (Ghaill, 1994, p. 51). Friendship and enduring bonds are exemplified by the unwavering support given to Jason by two of his friends and workmates, Fortenberry and Lenier. Masculinity and endurance are two themes explored until in the end, another actor; Rene is exposed as the murderer; killed in a final confrontation with Sookie. Rene, Arlene’s fiance is actually Drew Marshall who having created a false identity goes about killing those women he considers gang-bangers; that is, women who have sexual relations with vampires. Friendship and unwavering bonds between the Male species is exemplified as being strong and long-lasting; this contributing to the fan

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Cubism or Fauvism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cubism or Fauvism - Essay Example Unlike Fauvism, Cubism breaks up objects, analyzes and re-assembles them in abstracted forms. Therefore, rather than view objects from a single viewpoint, Cubism depicts its subjects in multiple viewpoints, representing them in greater context. Like in Picasso’s Houses on the hill, he uses block-resembling, cubic buildings to portray an image of houses on a divergent, rather than convergent, perspective. The intersection of the surfaces at random angles eliminates depth and a central vanishing point. This is further enhanced by the use of shades and the way colors are limited. Fauvism, on the other hand, used strong colors, which were not their subjects’ natural colors, to successfully bring out strong emotions, like shown by Henri Matisse’s Dance. He based it on his previous work that used less details and paler colors. It shows five, nude dancing figures in deep red paint. They are set against the sky in deep blue and a green landscape. Reflecting the artistâ⠂¬â„¢s interest in primitive art, Dance stretches out three clearly clashing colors on the canvas, with each drawing attention to itself. By reducing its subjects into their geometric forms, Cubism was able to make works done in 2-D appear as if they were done in 3-D. Artists were able to use geometric styles to simultaneously show a subject in more than one aspect. In Fauvism, the objects were painted in very simple designs and styles, with strong colors compensating for the simplicity. Although they did not appear realistic in comparison to real life objects., they were more realistic in comparison to objects painted in Cubist style. Part B The style I find more appealing is Fauvism. Cubism presents a more complicated form of art that is not easily translated. For example, in Picasso’s Houses on the hill, one may not recognize within the first glance that they are actually houses shown in a view that flows upward. This aspect is emphasized by the way the houses are intersec ted, shown from different angles on the same surface and lack of depth. The lack of depth also gives the impression that the furthest houses are above, rather than behind, those in the foreground. On the other hand, in Fauvism, the emotions brought to mind by the style of colors are immediately felt (Gerdts, 1997). For example, they way Matisse puts three exaggerated colors next to each other in Dance, he is able to portray the sky and earth as active components of the painting, rather than mere backgrounds. The warmth of the deep red dancers arranged in a ring against a cool background in blue-green creates a feeling of the rhythmical succession that is usually conveyed by dancing. A viewer can instantly feel the emotional liberation and

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Student Accounting Essay Example for Free

Student Accounting Essay This paper addresses the way state funds are distributed to schools using ADA or ADM. It also addresses the advantage of using either one of these and equalizing the funds to maximize cost-quality relationships. It also focuses on preparing for changes in local area revenue and expenditures of a school district based on demographic and economic factors. Distributing state dollars to all the schools in the state is one of the most important jobs of the state department of education. There are several different ways in which the state department of education collects data to use in deciding how to allocate state dollars to public schools. The two most common methods that are used are ADA (average daily attendance) and ADM (average daily membership). These methods are sometimes refered to as pupil counting. ADA is the average total of students that are present during a certain time period. ADM is the average total of students that are on a class roll during a certain time period whether present or not. As the person in charge of distributing state dollars to all public schools, I can see how it would be easy to prefer the ADA method. The reason is simple. I would want the money going to the schools that actually have students that are present so the money would not be wasted. This would create a difference of opinion between state officials and school officials because, as an administrator of a school, I would prefer the ADM method. But, we are talking about public schools where every child is entitled to the same education. We cannot assume that a certain number of children will be absent from school a certain time period, therefore, not allocate money for them. This would be highly unfair, not only to these students , but to the schools who are have to educate children under funded. This happens enough as it is without state officials withholding state monies from certain schools. The advantage of using the ADA over the ADM is that you would get a more accurate number of students that are actually at school most of the time during the school year. Teachers would prefer the ADM method because they want the most money possible for their students. The problem with ADA is that the numbers don’t always paint a clear picture. In 1989 at a school in Alabama, a meningitis epidemic broke out. The CDC were called in and numerous students were in the hospital for over two weeks and from school up to a month. If the state was using the ADA method during this time period of the year, this particular school would not have anywhere close to accurate numbers. Whereas if the state was using the ADM method, the circumstances that caused the absences would not matter because these students were on the role of their teachers classes. The cost-equality debate goes back to the Coleman Report on Equality of Education Opportunity in 1966. Over the years opinions on the issue of how money allocated to schools affected student achievement has gone back and forth. Social scientist of national reputation have analyzed statistical findings on this issue and determined that money allocated to schools per student do not effect student performance on standardized test. Other issues such as home background account for the differences in student achievement. But, even with this information, public school children must receive the same monies per child to give them a chance to achieve and the teachers a chance to teach. I would give school systems in lower socioeconomic areas more money per child to even out the levels that some systems are able to provide extra. In preparing for changes in local areas, I would conduct studies on how past economic factors have changed the revenue and expenditures of a given school. In 2004, Alabama was in proration. There is a chance Alabama will be in proration again during the 2008-2009 year. Files that show how each school district were effected in 2004 should be studied to get an idea of what might happen again. Local economic factors also have to be taken into consideration. Industries open and close and this effects the schools and how much tax money they receive. Proration often leads to school closings and loss of teacher units and jobs. City systems , which receive lots more tax money are usually in a lot better shape than county schools who receive less. Our students in public education and what is best for them is what must be considered in all situations, good or bad. Appropriate accommodations must be made to insure that all students receive an opportunity for an equal education . References Hall, J(2003). ADA vs. ADM: More information is needed. Retrieved from http://www. buckeyeinstitute. org/article/344 McDermott, John E. (1974). The cost equality debate in school finance litigation. Retrieved from http://www. jstor. org/pss/1191046 North Carolina Public Schools. (no date given). Data Reports- Student Accounting. Retrieved from http://www. ncpublicschools. org/fbs/accounting/data

Thursday, November 14, 2019

History Atomic Bomb Essay -- essays research papers

In early August 1945 atomic bombs were dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These two bombs quickly yielded the surrender of Japan and the end of American involvement in World War II. By 1946 the two bombs caused the death of perhaps as many as 240,000 Japanese citizens1. The popular, or traditional, view that dominated the 1950s and 60s – put forth by President Harry Truman and Secretary of War Henry Stimson – was that the dropping of the bomb was a diplomatic maneuver aimed at intimating and gaining the upper hand in relations with Russia. Today, fifty-four years after the two bombings, with the advantage of historical hindsight and the advantage of new evidence, a third view, free of obscuring bias and passion, can be presented. First, the dropping of the bomb was born out of complex infinite military, domestic and diplomatic pressures and concerns. Second, many potentially viable alternatives to dropping the bombs were not explored by Truman and other men in power, as they probably should have been. Lastly, because these alternatives were never explored, we can only conjecture over whether or not Truman’s decision was a morally just one, and if indeed it was necessary to use atomic energy to win the war.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The war in Asia had its roots in the early 1930s. Japan had expansionist aims in Eastern Asia and the Western Pacific, especially in Indochina2. In July of 1940 the United States placed an embargo on materials exported to Japan, including oil in the hope of restraining Japanese expansionism. Nevertheless, tensions remained high in Asia, and only increased in 1939 when Germany ignited World War II with an invasion of Poland. America’s determination to remain isolated changed abruptly following Japan’s â€Å"surprise attack† on Pearl Harbor on December 7th 1941. Military strategists and politicians poured the majority of American war effort into the European theater, and before the United States could fully mobilize most of South-East Asia had fallen to Japan, including the Philippines. Slowly, the United States recaptured the many small islands invaded by Japan, including Guadalcanal, Bougainville, Tarawa, Saipan, Iwo Jima, and Okinawa. These à ¢â‚¬Å"Japanese forces waged a stubborn, often suicidal battles were ferocious; although the Americans won each, resistance.† They demolished the Japanese fleet and establis... ...it was without doubt a savior of lives, it seems most reasonable to conclude that we simply can not tell. Furthermore, Truman became President only weeks before making his monumental decision, he seems to have dropped the bomb simply because he never considered not dropping the bomb47. Together with his advisors, Truman never thought to rethink the basic principles established under the Manhattan Project’s inception under Roosevelt, and therefore, dropped the bomb because they believed in their heart it was the right thing to do, and never reconsidered. There is no way we can know for certain whether the approach of seeking alternatives would have ended the Pacific was sooner, and with fewer lives. But one may regret that such an attempt was not made. Had the attempt failed, the continuing blockade of supplies, Soviet invasion, and the atomic bombs were still available. However, anyone tempted to use the atomic bomb would have done well to share the hesitancy agreed upon T ruman and President Roosevelt. Dwight Eisenhower was right, when he commented on the atomic bombings on Japan -- â€Å"It wasn’t necessary to hit them with that awful thing.† (Ike on Ike, Newsweek, 11/11/63, pg. 108).

Monday, November 11, 2019

Bw Manufacturing Essay

CASE SUMMARY The owners of BW Manufacturing, a small manufacturer of gas grills, have prepared a preliminary budget for the upcoming year and would like to assess the financial impact of several alternative scenarios, including dropping a product; changing the price on a product, with a resulting increase in volume; and shifting advertising focus, with a resulting shift in volume from one product to another. A new budget must be prepared. At year-end, the actual results are better than had been planned, but not necessarily better than what should have been, given actual sales volumes. TEACHING OBJECTIVES This short case addresses the topic of contribution analysis as an easy way to analyze profit-planning issues such as adding or dropping a product or service; changing a price; adding or decreasing expected volumes; or preparing a profit budget. In this situation there are three products, each with different proportions of variable and fixed costs. The product with the highest profit per unit on a full cost basis has the lowest contribution per unit on a variable cost basis, and vice versa. Four different marketing plans are proposed before one is finally adopted as the plan for the year. At year-end the actual results can be compared with the budget and with a flex or adjusted budget based on the actual product volumes realized. The numbers are simple and the students can readily see the benefit of variable costing. 2. Calculate the impact of reducing the Grill C price to $75, with the expectation that the volume of that product will increase to 220,000 units. Assume no other changes to the plan. 3. Calculate the impact of a 10,000-unit decrease in Grill A and a 10,000-unit increase in Grill C volume due to a change in advertising focus. Assume no other changes to the plan. 4. Calculate the impact of a $5 decrease in Grill C‘s price and a change in advertising focus, leading to a 10,000-unit decrease in Grill A volume and a 30,000-unit increase in Grill C volume. Assume no other changes to the plan. 5. Prepare a revised 2009 profit budget assuming the owners chose Option 2—lowering the price of Grill C to $75 and expecting sales volume of that grill to increase to 220,000 units. 6. The actual results for 2009 are shown below. Was 2009 net income more or less than what should have been expected given these actual volumes and prices? If the results were different, why?

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Gambling in guyana is a benefit to the society Essay

I support the argument that gambling in Guyana is a benefit to the society. When I say gambling, I refer to legal gambling. I acknowledge that gambling can become an addictive activity on a personal basis and can lead one to bankruptcy. At the same time I believe that Guyanese should be given the freedom of choice to determine how they spend their money and what decisions are best for them. Some argue that gambling is bad for our society since it makes one addicted to it as with drugs. I totally disagree since unlike drugs, gambling is not physically but is physiologically addictive. The Guyana lottery, established in 1997, is deemed a legal form of gambling by the laws of Guyana. The lottery involves playing various games of chance with the hope of earning fast tax free cash. In an interview with Tracey Lewis, the lottery company’s general manager, she stated that the company provides direct employment for 34 persons and business opportunities for approximately 80 retail agents. She also stated that the company has earned over $4. 5 billion in revenue for our country to date. From the facts given, can one really argue that a company that has done so much and is continuing to do much more is not beneficial for Guyana? I highly doubt that since this company has made it possible for many Guyanese to be employed and also has donated significantly to our already struggling economy. The Gambling Prevention Law which was amended in 2007 legalized the establishment of casinos locally. The Casino provides a means of employment to many Guyanese and also is a source of revenue since the Casino owners are compelled to pay tax. The Casino Act states that the only people who can gamble at the casino are international tourists and locals who are guests at the hotel. One may argue that gambling in casinos will make more Guyanese bankrupt. This can easily be refuted since the legislation only permit locals staying at the hotels to access the facility. In an interview with a receptionist at the Princess Hotel in Guyana, she claimed that about 99% of the guests at the hotel were foreigners. This clearly shows that it is highly unlikely that locals will become bankrupt from gambling at the casino since they are not usually guests there. The legislation permits only gambling in newly built hotels with a minimum of 250 rooms. Thus, this opened the doors for foreign investors to invest in new hotels here which will in turn create employment opportunities. How can providing employment, tourism and revenue via a legal means be considered harmful to Guyana? In conclusion, legal gambling is greatly needed in a country like Guyana which is considered a third world country. According to www. cia. gov, Guyana has a debt of USD$1. 234 billion. Thus, legal gambling is a source of earning foreign currency which in turn can assist in settling our debts and developing our country. These are a few reasons why I support the argument that gambling in Guyana is a benefit to our society.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How to Set Up Classroom Learning Centers

How to Set Up Classroom Learning Centers Learning centers are places where students can work in small groups within the classroom. Within these spaces, students work collaboratively  on projects that you provide, with the goal to accomplish them in an allotted amount of time. As each group completes their tasks they move to the next center. Learning centers provide children the opportunity to practice hands-on skills while involved in social interaction. Some classes will have dedicated spaces for learning centers, while other teachers who are in classrooms that are smaller and tight on space, may need to be prepared to create makeshift learning centers as needed.  Typically, those that have decided Learning Spaces, will have them located in various spots around the perimeter of the classroom, or in small nooks or alcoves within the learning space. The basic need for a learning center is a dedicated space where children can work collaboratively.   Preparation The first component of creating a learning center is to figure out what skills you want your students to learn or practice. Once you know what to focus on you can determine how many centers you will need. Then you can prepare: The materials needed for each center and place them into separate folders or baskets so they are ready for the students.A list of rules and behavior expectations to present to the students before the centers begin.A sign for each center so the students know which center to go to next.Clearly stated directions for each learning center. It is best to laminate the directions so by the time the last group gets to the center it will still be in one piece. Setting up the Classroom Once you have prepared the learning center activities now it is time to set up your classroom. The way you choose to set up your classroom will depend upon your classroom space and size. Generally, all of the following tips should work with any class size. Groups should consist of a minimum of three students and maximum of five students. This gives children the opportunity to be able to complete tasks on time, and be able to move around the classroom freely.Use all areas in the classroom for centers: Rugs, reading areas, and even outside the classroom door. If youre tight on space, you might group desks together to create individual work areas. These are all examples of a good set-up if you are teaching reading groups or doing a mini-lesson while the students are participating in centers.Organize the materials for each of the learning centers in baskets, folders or totes and place them in the specific learning center space. This will ensure that all of the components of the activity are organized. This also makes it easy for you to clean up and store materials, especially if the activities happen often.  Assign each student to a group and center, then have them rotate through centers as scheduled. You can also assign each group or ce nter a color so the children know where to go to next. Use a countdown clock to help students better manage their time.   After each center is completed, allow time for the students to place the center materials back for the next group. Have a basket where the students put their completed center work. This makes it easier for you to have all of the completed work in one place. Presentation Take time to present the rules and directions for each learning center. It is important that students understand the expectations of each center before letting them go on their own. This way if you are using center time to work with individual students you will not be interrupted. Point out or physically bring the students to each center when explaining the directions.Show students where the directions will be located.Show them the materials that they will be using in each center.Explain in detail the purpose of the activity they will be working on.Clearly explain the behavior that is expected when working in small groups.For younger children, role play the behavior that is expected in the centers.Post the rules and behavior expectations in a place where students can refer to them.Tell the students the phrase you will use to get their attention. Depending upon the age group, some younger students respond to a bell or hand clapping rather than a phrase.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

What Is NCAA Division 1

What Is NCAA Division 1 SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips The NCAA, the major governing body for intercollegiate sports, divides its member institutions by divisions. Division I colleges tend to be the largest, have the biggest athletic department budgets, and have the highest level of athletic talent. Most of the prestigious college sporting events you see on television, from bowl games to March Madness, are competitions between Division I schools. In this article, I will thoroughly explain what makes NCAA Division 1 unique and provide you with facts about Division I colleges. What Is the NCAA? The National Collegiate Athletic Association, or NCAA, is the major governing body for intercollegiate sports. There is a much smaller governing body for intercollegiate sports with far fewer member institutions known as the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics, or NAIA. Also, the governing body for sports at 2-year colleges is the National Junior College Athletics Association, or NJCAA. The role of the NCAA is to oversee championships and establish and enforce rules for its member institutions. Why Are There NCAA Divisions? The purpose of NCAA divisions is to create parity and a more level playing field in intercollegiate sports. Also, the existence of NCAA divisions gives smaller schools with fewer resources the opportunity to compete for championships. What Makes Division 1Unique? NCAA Division 1is known for having the highest level of competition and the best athletes in all of the NCAA divisions. Generally, Division I schools have the biggest student bodies, the largest athletic department budgets, and the most athletic scholarships for their student-athletes. In NCAA Division I, there are almost 350 schools that have more than 6,000 teams. More than 170,000 student-athletes participate in Division I sports. All of the major sports conferences, including the SEC, Big Ten, Pac-12, and ACC, are composed of Division I schools. Division 1Football Division I football is further divided into FBS (Football Bowl Subdivision) and FCS (Football Championship Subdivision) schools. FBS FBS colleges compete for the chance to participate in bowl games. You may have heard of famous bowl games like The Rose Bowl, The Fiesta Bowl, or The Cotton Bowl. Those are all football games between FBS schools. The FBS is the highest level of collegiate football and there is a tremendous amount of money in it. The highest paid FBS coaches make $7 million annually and Forbes valued the University of Texas-Austin football team at $131 million. FCS FCS is the next highest level of collegiate football after FBS. FCS schools compete for a chance to participate in an NCAA-run playoff instead of bowl games. Compared to the FBS, there is much less money and lower attendance at games in the FCS. In 2014, the average attendance for an FBS home game was 44,190, and the average attendance for an FCS home game was 7,666. Division 1Rules The NCAA sets rules for Division I schools to ensure competitive balance and gender equity. Division I schools have to sponsor at least 7 sports for men and 7 sports for women (or 6 for men and 8 for women). Each playing season (fall, winter, and spring) has to be represented by each gender. For sports other than football and basketball, Division I schools must play 100 percent of the minimum number of contests against Division I opponents. Anything over the minimum number of games has to be 50 percent against Division I foes. Men’s and women’s basketball teams have to play all but two games against Division I teams. Men’s basketball teams must play ⅓ of their games in their home arenas. Division I schools must meet minimum financial aid awards for their athletics program, and there are maximum financial aid awards for each sport that a Division I school can’t exceed. FBS Rules FBS teams have to meet minimum attendance requirements. They have to average 15,000 people in actual or paid attendance per home game. If a team can't average 15,000 people, it probably can't compete with the typical FBS team that averages over 44,000. Attendance requirements must be met once in a rolling two-year period. Unlike in the FBS, FCS teams don't need to meet attendance requirements. Types of Schools in Division1 There are public and private colleges in Division I. Examples of Division I public schools include Penn State University, UC Berkeley, the University of Virginia, and the University of Missouri. Examples of Division I private schools include Northwestern, Duke, Stanford, and all of the Ivy League schools. However, Ivy League schools are unique because they're the only Division I schools that don't offer athletic scholarships. There are Division I schools in every state except Alaska. Division 1Facts On average, only 6% of the student bodies at Division I schools participate in NCAA sports. The average enrollment at Division I schools is 12,900. 53% of all student-athletes at Division I colleges receive some level of athletic financial aid. In 2010, the NCAA signed an agreement with CBS and Turner Broadcasting to present the NCAA men's basketball championship for 14 years (from 2011-2024). The deal was for more than $10.8 billion. What's Next? If you aspire to participate in college sports, make sure you know about the college athletic recruiting process. Learn the SAT and ACT scores you need to be eligible to compete in the NCAA. If you want to attend a college with big-time sports, check out this article on the largest college football stadiums. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Vikings Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Vikings - Assignment Example historians reached Polynesia in the 16th century, the ability of Polynesians to carry out distant voyages had already been lost and they had been widely isolated on scattered islands. This, coupled with the lack of literate persons to record their history, led to little being known about their culture and expansion (Hadley 19). This led to the eventual decline of both groups. The main reasons for exploration were trade and colonization. The case is the same with the Vikings, but, a bit more is known about their expansion since they are said to have explored places such as North Africa, North Atlantic, Middle East, and Russia, mostly raiding, pillaging and engaging in trade. Vikings built very sophisticated ships for various uses, mainly raiding and trading, and their ship craftsmanship was superb. The Polynesians mostly relied on outrigger canoe construction techniques to build their vessels and had navigators at various islands. Trade was more developed among the Vikings compared to the Polynesians (Hadley 33). Both cultures were non-literate and had no literary