Saturday, May 23, 2020

Poem-a-day analysis - 1911 Words

I Love the Hour Just Before My initial reaction to this poem was that I share the same emotions the author expresses throughout the poem. I’ve been in a situation where you’re getting ready for an event or something similar to that and you become anxious for the event to start. That’s how I felt while reading this poem. His last lines were, â€Å"Everything waiting. Even the wine barely breathing.† The anxiety of the event to start is causing everyone to be nervous. The most interesting line in the poem that I liked was the third line, â€Å"Pulling on boots, fixing their hair, planning what to say if she’s there, picking a pluckier lipstick, rehearsing a joke with a stickpin in it, doing the last minute fumbling one does before leaving†¦show more content†¦For me reading this poem, it was a twist in the story for me when the author said that he was 8-years-old because I couldn’t believe that an 8-year-old was having these emotions, or even watching this on T V in the first place. I think the most provocative word used throughout the poem is the word â€Å"touch.† Everyone knows what the generic definition of â€Å"touch† is, but the author describes it as something completely different, and it gives the word such a different meaning throughout the rest of the poem for the reader to relate too and truly understand where the author is coming from. Evangelize Your Love My initial reaction to the poem was confused. I had to re-read this poem a few times, and I still don’t think I fully grasped the concept. I think it is about a women and a man who got into something before they could handle it resulting in having a kid, but I’m not positive. Overall, I don’t really like this poem. The most interesting line in this poem to me was the last line, â€Å"’How can I live like this?’ the three of them in unison.† This threw a curve ball at me the first time I was reading the poem because it brought to my attention that theShow MoreRelatedThe Day Is Done Poem Analysis941 Words   |  4 PagesHenry Wadsworth Longfellow’s short poem, â€Å"The Day is Done,† the reader is given a glimpse of the Romantic era of American poetry. Structurally, it does contain many elements of this era, namely the playful usage of verse or rhyme schemes. However, this is where Longfellow’s work seems to end in relati on to typical Romantic poetry. Upon further examination of this poem, the execution of subject matter does not seem to fit a typical Romantic era poems. Since Romantic poems overly gush with inner thoughtsRead MoreThe Day Is Done Poem Analysis1005 Words   |  5 PagesExplication of â€Å"The Day is Done† by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow The poem â€Å"The Day is Done,† by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, discusses an exhausted speaker’s wish to hear the work of a simple poet with the expectation that this will relieve his tired state. The steady, calming pace and slightly wistful tone provide the perfect background for the beautiful imagery of this poem, expressed through similes and figurative language. ‘The Day is Done† includes comments on reputation, life’s struggles, andRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem The Present Day Humanity 1893 Words   |  8 Pagesof the present-day humanity must realize the fact that each poem is a whole. It is a unique independent world of meanings and sings available only for some people. So as to reach deepest and richest message conveyed in a poem a reader will have to cope with a great deal of literary tasks. Before moving on to subtleties of critical investigation everyone must know that events or situations presented in a poem bear striking resemblance to various spheres of human being’s life. A poem may be filled withRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Blue Butterfly Day 1263 Words   |  6 PagesObjective In Robert Frost’s poem â€Å"Blue-Butterfly Day† the speaker compares the blue butterflies to â€Å"sky-flakes† that fall to the ground in flurries just like snow. What does this comparison say about how the speaker of the poem feels about the butterflies? The speaker could have said the butterflies â€Å"dropped to the ground in mangled clumps.† How would that comparison have changed the feel of the poem? In this lesson we will examine how comparisons affect the feel of the poem. Today s lesson objectiveRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem The Day I Die 2937 Words   |  12 Pagesdown for something that I, being the usual four-year old boy that I was, pretended I didn’t hear. After about a minute of her pleading I felt bad, because I could sense a tone of sorrow in her voice. This next scene I will remember truly until the day I die. Down the creaky stairs I went cheerful as ever, but my cheery expression suddenly turned to total mortification. I saw many people I knew; my uncles and aunts, grandmas and grandpas, but also others whom I assumed to be distant relatives. HoweverRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Nine Days Later 1973 Words   |  8 PagesNine days later Gray, nimbostratus clouds blanketed the L.A. skyline, the promise of rain becoming more of a threat with each passing hour. However, the bleak, November day suited Tom’s pensive mood, the impending storm mirroring the tumultuous thoughts brewing within his mind. After countless cups of coffee and only three hours’ sleep, he was on edge, caught in a web of his own making. He wandered in aimless circles around the living room floor, his pinched face showing clear signs of agitationRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem One Sunny Day Grace 1012 Words   |  5 PagesOne sunny day, Grace family was having a cookout at her house. Grace is a cranky 8 year old the always gets her way! It was really nice outside so all of Grace’s cousins and her siblings were riding the go karts and and four wheelers in the giant backyard except for Taylor and Tori. Taylor and Tori were Grace’s oldest sisters, Taylor is 19 years old and Tori is 17. They were the ones making dinner becaus e all of the parents were at a restaurant together while the kids stayed home. Taylor and ToriRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Me Talk Pretty One Day 782 Words   |  4 PagesINTRODUCTION --- Precis In the essay â€Å"Me Talk Pretty One Day†, David Sedaris, American humorist and writer, recounts the hysterical/hilarious story about his experience while learning French in France at the age of 41. Sedaris develops his story providing a detailed narrative of what it is to be a foreign student in a French school taught by a very impatient and not so encouraging French teacher. Using comic exaggeration, Sedaris makes his essay not only quirky and bold; but interestingly appealingRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Three Day Road By Joseph Boyden1528 Words   |  7 PagesThree Day Road is a novel by Joseph Boyden depicting aboriginal trauma through the insertion of residential schools and the impact the schools have on the characters. Elijah, one of the main characters, is targeted by the residential-school system, which in turn greatly affects his character and his reactions to the war. As a result of these schools, he is more susceptible to European ideologies than his friend, X avier, who utterly hated and rejected their ways because he was more in tune with hisRead MorePoem Analysis of Fire and Ice by Robert Frost and The Day They Came For Our House by Don Mattera1916 Words   |  8 Pagesover whom it is exercised. The poems Fire and Ice and The Day They Came For Our House by Robert Frost and Don Mattera respectively, perfectly convey the idea of the destructive nature of power, the poems are both concerned with Mortality of Age. The ideal readers of these poems are people old enough to understand how harsh and cruel this world can be. Furthermore, people who can appreciate the sense of grief portrayed in these poems, as both poets investigate deeply the potentially devastating

Monday, May 18, 2020

The Prevalence Of Gun Violence in USA - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 512 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/03/20 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Gun Control Essay Gun Violence Essay Did you like this example? Violence is currently one of the most serious issue on the planet, particularly in America. Wrongdoing and viciousness are quickly turning into the prime epidemic in the U.S. today, yet what would we do to guarantee our future age security or a citizens pension plan? Gun violence is a major issue all around. From poor country neighborhoods to prosperous urban communities like Lake Forest, it can happen anywhere at any time. The most dangerous cases occur in rural zones where nobody would presume anything would happen. These zones are the practical objective for mass shootings. Probably the most known violent events that shaped the nation are Columbine, Parkland, and Marjory Stoneman Douglas. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Prevalence Of Gun Violence in USA" essay for you Create order The murder rate keeps getting bigger while nothing is being done. Not a day goes by on the news without seeing people getting critically injured in a crossfire. While the firearm control laws are scarcely authorized, each nation is at steady hazard, considering the measure of individuals in this nation that claim weapons. According to The Guardian, From December 2012 to August 2018, there has been over 885 mass shootings all across the United States. Recognizing a strategy that could decrease American gun violence is simple. Making sense of a politically suitable method for getting these approaches authorized is also simple. But we cant seem to grasp the concept. Regardless of whether the 2008 Supreme Court choice in District of Columbia v Heller announcing an individual appropriate to remain battle ready in the second Amendment were to be overruled by a similar court, the political challenges in the way of important weapon control are considerable. This court case is talking about The District of Columbia and how it bans handgun possession by making it a crime to carry an unregistered firearm and prohibiting the registration of handguns; provides separately that no person may carry an unlicensed handgun. And more importantly how handguns dont need to be noticeable and you need a license at all times. If you do not have a license then you could be sentenced to a 1 year Jail sentence or more. Guns are important but it is the lives that are getting lost due to gun violence. On June 17, 2018, Pew Research Center published an article stating there is about 270 million people who own a hand-held gun in the U.S. An article published July 15, 2018 b y the Bureau of Labor Statistics states about 130.64 million people were employed on a full-time basis. Using this comparison, more people own a gun have a full-time job. Were not doing enough, said former President Obama during his speech about gun violence in Newtown, Connecticut and Downtown Chicago. In our world, celebrities and politics are in the spotlight instead of gun violence and mental health. We as a nation did not sign up for children and adults being killed every other day. I hope the brave survivors in Florida will continue to speak up and will be heard by their representatives in the government. Because if not, it will keep going. The gun violence epidemic will grow and grow until it is out of our hands.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Importance Of Financial Analysis - 1671 Words

For our best case projections, we used a scenario where both treatment center and professional memberships increased by 25% and ad sales increased by 50% over the five year period. This resulted in an initial increase of 69% to net income and 32% to net cash flow in the 4th Quarter of 2017. Over the five year period, the best case scenario increased net income by 27% and net cash flow by 26%. A five year income of $1.1 million from our baseline scenario increased to $1.4 million in our best case. There are three true keys to success: relationship, unique visitors and conversions. Without these three, the site will have no value and lose the support it may initially generate. The relationships between the firm and marketing directors at†¦show more content†¦We believe that if we are able to provide positive lead flow to providers, they will be able to convert a few into clients. Treatment centers will make back their investment with us in one conversion. Individual practitio ners will make back their investment in one client who has two-three sessions. There are no external factors, other than more competition, that will impact our success. We will develop relationships through regular contact with our current network and referrals to others through them. Conference attendance will provide us with a venue to develop relationships in a face-to-face environment. This will be vital to build trust between our contacts and our digital product. We will also check in on a regular basis to ensure there have been no changes in information and to make sure they are checking their membership reports, which contain information on site effectiveness and lead development. Unique visitors will be developed through continuous search engine optimization and contact with support groups, doctors and dentists. The support groups have members searching for more advanced treatment and doctors and dentists are often the initial ones to diagnose an issue; however, they do not always know where to refer patients. All we can do is generate leads for the practitioners. We have no way to convert them to clients. In order to provide the easiest pathway from site visitor to practitioner lead, we mustShow MoreRelatedImportance of Financial Analysis692 Words   |  3 PagesFinancial analysis is an important aspect in maintaining a successful business. Analysis, when done properly allows a company to better pinpoint problem aspects of the business. The company can then take corrective action to alleviate or mitigate the problem aspects of the business. Aspects such as return on assets, return on equity, net income, and the quick ratio are all aspects needed to help the business function properly. 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Survey interview process is neededRead MoreThe Matching Concept of Smith Company667 Words   |  3 Pagesexpense $24,350 Insurance $1,400 Marketing $4,500 Property taxes $8,900 Rent $18,000 Salaries $67,500 Utilities $6,700 $131,350 N/P ($4,850) Workings C.O.G.S $234,000 Add back closing stock $45,500 $279,500 The Matching Concept: Its Importance The matching principle in the words of Nikolai, Bazley and Jones (2009) states that to determine the income of a company for an accounting period, the company computes the total expenses involved in obtaining the revenues of the period and relatesRead MoreFinancial Issues Affecting Kenyatta Market Women Entrepreneurs Of Nairobi962 Words   |  4 PagesFINANCIAL ISSUES AFFECTING KENYATTA MARKET WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS OF NAIROBI, KENYA 1. Introduction i. Background Information According to Creighton Yieke (2006), women in Kenya constitute a subordinate, disadvantaged and muted group who are routinely treated as inferior and who face coerced sex, harmful cultural practices, stigma and discrimination. Their inferior legal status in relation to marriage inheritance, guardianship, property ownership, places them in disadvantaged position economically

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Growth Of Literacy Skills - 2155 Words

Literacy can be defined as the ability to read and write. It can also be defined as the capacity to identify, understand, create, interpret, communicate and compute, using written and printed materials associated with varying contexts. Literacy includes the capability to read, comprehend, and critically appreciate various forms of communication, including spoken language, written text, broadcast media, and digital media. The contemporary meaning has been expanded to include the knowledge to use language, numbers, images, computers, and other essential means to understand and communicate useful knowledge and use the dominant symbol systems of culture. Additionally, literacy involves a continuum of learning in enabling individuals to achieve their objectives, to develop their knowledge and potential, and to participate sufficiently in their communities and wider society. The growth of literacy skills is a vital part of a child’s overall development. It is the foundation for doin g well at school, socialising with others, developing independence, managing money and working. However, before a child learns to read and write, he or she needs to develop the building blocks for literacy, which are the ability to speak, listen, understand, watch and draw. With time and his or her teachers’ support, the child understands the connection between letters on a sheet and spoken sounds. Eventually, he or she will need lots of experience with objects, words, and sounds. The child learns howShow MoreRelatedChildren s Literacy Development For Children1369 Words   |  6 Pagesplay a crucial role in the development of their children’s literacy skills. Specifically the article sheds light on the importance of shared reading between parents and children. The article also discusses different techniques or strategies that can be used during said shared reading, in order to ensure proper literacy training. b) It fits in perfectly. The article proves how the family/home plays an important role in successful literacy development for children. Also, shows the reader what parentsRead MoreLanguage and Literacy Development1014 Words   |  5 PagesRUNNGHEAD: LANGUAGE AND LITERACY DEVELOPMENT ESSAY Language and Literacy Development Essay Alma J. Bosket Early Literacy Development (O101) -ECH-425 Dr. Leah Barley July 21, 2013 Language and Literacy Essay The achievement of oral language is a normal development for the performance of most children. The child’s (ren) understanding to communicate will began to increase with ageRead MoreMy Understanding Literacy Instruction Using A Framework Of Learning847 Words   |  4 PagesPose Wobble, Flow delivers a pedagogical model that approaches literacy instruction using a framework of learning that addresses challenges teachers face with educational equity. Addressing educational challenges that meet the needs of all students is a challenge for current and in-service teachers. In reviewing this book, the principal method of learning includes an approach that mirrors what someone may experience while taking a Yoga class. Using three terms which function as metaphors that reflectRead MoreThe Necessity Of Computer Literacy1039 Words   |  5 PagesProfessor Arnecia Patterson English 100 13 April 2015 The Necessity of Computer Literacy The common image of schools is students sitting in a classroom and learning how to read, write, and do math. However, the reality is that the classroom needs to be rapidly changing. In the 21st century schools are changing their curriculum in order to teach students the skills they will need once they leave school. Computer literacy is a skill required for most jobs nowadays and there are many new jobs available inRead MoreEssay on Information Literacy and the Public Library1519 Words   |  7 PagesThe American Association for School Libraries defines information literacy as the ability to use many types of reference resources and literacies to find information. The different types of reference resources and literacies include: digital, visual, textual, and technological literacies. The American Association for School Libraries has four main learning standards. The first covers inquiry, thinking critically, and gaining knowledge. The second standard includes drawing conclusions, m aking informalRead MoreChecklist for an Effective Literacy Program1195 Words   |  5 PagesMy response from my checklist for an effective literacy program revealed that I am a very animated teacher. I encourage my students to laugh with me building a positive relationship. I found that my students enjoy my lessons when I bring in prior experiences. Modeling the lesson with humor capture the student’s attention and they are eager to participate and collaborate with the peers and teachers. My strength demonstrates that I model all my lessons and make them student friendly. I plan and modelRead MoreHow Pre Kindergarten Programs Increase Literacy And Prepare Children For Kindergarten960 Words   |  4 PagesPrograms Increase Literacy and Prepare Children for Kindergarten Justina Jefferson Walden University Tools for Doctoral Research (EDDD - 8003 - 2) Background/Introduction The problem that I would like to address is how pre-kindergarten programs increase literacy and prepare children for kindergarten. Researching this problem will allow me to explore early literacy programs and how they implement literacy programs that facilitate the development of literacy skills among childrenRead MoreChildrens Emergent Literacy Development1395 Words   |  6 Pagessignificantly impacts a child’s emergent literacy development. (Senechal, Lefevre, Thomas , Daley, 1996; Sawyer, et al., 2014; Sà ©nà ©chal LeFevre, 2002; Senechal LaFevre, 2014). HLE is defined by the â€Å"frequency of storybook reading and literacy teaching during book reading† (Sawyer, et al., 2014, p. 65). Sà ©nà ©chal LeFevre (2002 2014) conducted a study to prove that a positive and helpful HLE aids in children’s emergent literacy. The Home Literacy Model used proved the original hypothesisRead MoreThe Extent to Which Teachers Help Their EC Students in Regular Clas sroom Settings1647 Words   |  7 Pagesaddressing the ESL students. Literacy Before children learn to use language to let their needs and wants be known they first learn to read, how can a child communicate without the resources they need to express themselves before they have the skills needed to do so? Studies show how to overcome one challenging situation but there are people in the world who are faced with two adversities in life. Literacy in today’s society is more demanding than it was in the past. Literacy instruction needs to improveRead MoreApplication Of An Information Literacy Program1735 Words   |  7 Pagesstrong information literacy program is essential when it comes to helping students be able to use information effectively throughout their life. The focus of an information literacy program is not merely to distribute information but should focus on the process of learning. In order to determine if a program will help increase information literacy it is important that we are familiar with the AASL Standards and the State Standards since they are the scope of an information literacy program. The

The Role of Leadership in Emplyee Performance Free Essays

string(462) " relationship between leadership development and employees’ performance in Customs headquarters in Iran\? Is there any relationship among leadership development dimensions and employees’ performance\? Which dimension of leadership development has the highest impact on employees’ performance\? Research literature Leadership Leadership is the ability to encourage others to try eagerly in order to obtain certain purposes \(Davis, 2010: 423\)\." International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology Volvo. 2 NO. 5; August 2012 Impact of Leadership Development on Employees’ Performance (Case Study: Employees of Customs Headquarters) DRP. We will write a custom essay sample on The Role of Leadership in Emplyee Performance or any similar topic only for you Order Now Java Merriam Department of Public Management, Gavin Branch Islamic Cad University, Gavin, Iran DRP. Mohammad Their Organization Department of Management, Borderer Branch Islamic Cad University, Borderer , Iran Shirring Ensnare Department of Management, Borderer Branch Islamic Cad University, Borderer, Iran Baton Samuelsson Postgraduate of Business Management Panama- Mourn university, Tehran Share Ray unit and Educational Services Expert in university of Safaris, Iran Abstract Objective: The present survey has been conducted to study the â€Å"role of leadership development on employees’ performance in Customs headquarters of the Islamic Republic of Iran†. Methodology: Descriptive-correlation method was used in this survey and the statistical population included employees of Customs headquarters equal to six-hundred seventy eight (678) persons. Sample volume was selected through random class sampling method that was equal to two-hundred fifty (250) persons. Questionnaire was used to collect the required data and data analysis was accomplished using Inferential statistics tests such as Pierson correlation coefficient and step by step regression analysis in addition to descriptive statistics Indexes such as mean and standard deviation. Findings: Findings reveal that there Is a significant and positive relationship among leadership development and Its dimensions with employees’ performance. Conclusion: It Is concluded that authorization, education and development and empowerment have the highest impact on employees performance respectively. Key words: leadership development, coaching, education and development, empowerment, participation in decision-making, authorization, performance Introduction Leadership Is a mysterious process that has been considered similarly by common people, scientists and researchers since the far past. It Is one of the major five tasks of managers In some guidance texts. Leadership meaner art of Influencing the subordinates so that they conduct pre-determined castles In the framework of certain purposes voluntarily and eagerly (Swahili Shrine, 1995: 15-19). It seems that human relations, his action would be led to satisfaction and improvement of employees’ performance automatically. Today governmental and private organizations intend to enhance their service quality and this won’t be fulfilled unless with a good management, suitable leadership and moving towards knowledge and technology advancement (Regain, 2005: 230-247). 54 O Centre for Promoting Ideas, USA www. Cabinet. Com As utilizing employees’ abilities is not possible without effective leadership existence of leadership as the driving factor in employees’ motivation, creating perspectives, enhancing employees’ capability, education and development of the organizational roses and compiling purposes and programs are very important to obtain organizational objectives (Moravia, 2009). Major task of Customs as one of the governmental organizations is to control imports and exports legally in order to get duties, preventing to import non-standard and unhygienic products, regulating importation and exportation of some products to regulate the internal market and etc. Violating the above cases would be led to social and cultural abnormalities in addition to their harmful impacts on the internal production and economic stagnation through changing the culture and taste of consumers towards nonstandard and smuggled products and creates disorientation in the economic system by dominance of foreign manufacturers on the internal markets and increases unemployment and the related problems. Since accurate and effective implementation of Customs’ regulations and avoiding the above problems has a direct relationship with Customs’ leadership and performance of its employees as economic frontiers of the country it is intended in the present survey to answer the following questions given to the above issues. Is there any relationship between leadership development and employees’ performance in Customs headquarters in Iran? Is there any relationship among leadership development dimensions and employees’ performance? Which dimension of leadership development has the highest impact on employees’ performance? Research literature Leadership Leadership is the ability to encourage others to try eagerly in order to obtain certain purposes (Davis, 2010: 423). It is a process in which management of the organization tries to facilitate his tasks to fulfill organizational purposes by creating motivation and an effective relation and encourages employees to conduct their tasks eagerly and enthusiastically (Alvin, 1996: 137-138). Leadership development: past, present and future Leadership development is enhancement of abilities and creating perspective for motivating and directing of individuals towards determined purposes. It includes components such as education and development, participation of individuals in decision-making, coaching, Job empowerment and authorization (Lowlier, Gold Smith Karate, 2005). Leadership development has obtained achievements in two previous decades among which we can refer increasing of management development methods and coordination among the management and ore popular increasingly and causes more studies to be focused on leadership competencies and problems regarding non-coordination in working affairs and life (Werner-Brome Hughes, 2009). Leadership development at work environment Nowadays innovators represent skills and techniques regarding leadership development through methods such as educational programs and coaching and apply them in real issues. People could obtain important skills by combining such directions and real commercial conditions and thus it is possible for organizations to find important, synchronous and related issues and deal with them. Finally purpose of leadership development includes action not knowledge. Therefore, leadership development at present meaner providing learning opportunities for people through work not keeping them aloof from the work environment and obliging them to learning. Moreover, the best experience of organizations is to find out the leadership role as a key factor in all Job levels and that they are committed to create effective leaders across their organizations. Developing more individual and better leaders is not the only focusing point of leadership development although this issue is still very important. Leadership is increasingly defined in a way that it is not Just related to leader’s acts rather it is a process which creates a new generation of leaders and effective relations that their focus is on leaders and colleagues’ interaction (La]Verdi, 2011). Organizational performance Organizational performance is obtaining organizational and social purposes or going beyond them and conducting responsibilities undertaken by people (Heresy and Blanchard, 1996: 504). 55 Research hypotheses Primary hypothesis There is a relationship between leadership development and employees’ performance. Secondary hypotheses 1- There is a allegations between coaching and employees’ performance. 2- There is a relationship between education and development and employees’ performance. 3- There is a relationship between empowerment and employees’ performance. 4- There is a relationship between participation in decision-making and employees’ performance. 5- The re is a relationship between authorization and employees’ performance. Conceptual model of the survey In this survey leadership development and its dimensions (coaching, education and development, empowerment, participation in decision-making and authorization) are regarded as independent rabbles and performance is regarded as dependent variable. Leadership development Coaching Performance Education and development Participation in decision-making Authorization Research methodology The present survey was conducted using descriptive- correlation method. Statistical population included employees of Customs headquarters in 2011. Volume of the statistical population was equal to 678 persons among which 386 persons were male and 292 persons were female. Sample volume was determined equal to 250 persons using Creakier and Morgan table and relative class sampling method was used. Therefore, portion of each class (male and female employees) was first calculated in the statistical population and the same ratio was observed in the sample too. Statistical sample of employees contains 142 males and 108 females by gender separation. Two researcher self-made questionnaires were used for leadership development and performance to collect the required data. Although these questionnaires were standard and normalized, views of advisor and guiding professors were reviewed to determine validity of the questionnaires. Cockroach alpha coefficients of leadership development and employees’ performance questionnaires ware equal to 0. 89 and 0. 86 respectively which illustrated high reliability of both questionnaires. Results were analyzed through SPAS software. Analyzing results As variables under study follow normal distribution Pierson correlation coefficient is used in this survey to study the relationship among variables. Secondary hypotheses Hypothesis 1: HO: there is no positive relationship between coaching and employees’ performance. HI : there is a positive relationship between coaching and employees’ performance. 156 Table 1- Pierson correlation coefficient between coaching and employees’ reference Correlation between coaching and employees’ performance Pierson correlation coefficient (r) +0. 76 Number (N) 250 Significance level (P) P;O. OOI Result Significantpositive Given to results of table (1) because the calculated amount for Pierson correlation coefficient is significant at level a = 0. 01 it is inferred that hypothesis HO regarding nonexistence of relation is rejected by 99% confidence and hypothesis HI regarding existence of relation between the two variables is confirmed. Hypothesis 2: HO: ther e is no positive relationship between education and development and employees' performance. HI: there is a positive relationship between education and development and employees’ performance. Table 2- Pierson correlation coefficient between education and development and employees’ performance Correlation between education and development and employees’ performance Pierson Given to results of table (2) because the calculated amount for Pierson correlation existence of relation between the two variables is confirmed. Hypothesis 3: HO: there is no positive relationship between empowerment and employees’ performance. HI : there is a positive relationship between empowerment and employees’ performance. Table 3- Pierson correlation coefficient between empowerment and employees’ performance Correlation between empowerment and employees’ performance Pierson correlation coefficient (r) +0. 469 Number (N) 250 Significance level (P) PO. OOI Result Significantpositive Given to results of table (3) because the calculated amount for Pierson correlation existence of relation between the two variables is confirmed. Hypothesis 4: HO: there is no positive relationship between participation in decision-making and employees’ performance. HI: there is a positive relationship between participation in decision- aging and employees’ performance. Table 4- Pierson correlation coefficient between participation in decision-making and employees’ performance Correlation between participation in decommissioning and employees’ performance Pierson correlation coefficient (r) +0. 498 Number (N) 250 Significance level (P) PO. OOH Result Given to results of table (4) because the calculated amount for Pierson correlation existence of relation between the two variables is confirmed. 157 Hypothesis 5: HO: there is no positive relationship between authorization and employees’ performance. HI : there is a positive relationship between authorization and employees’ performance. Table 5- Pierson correlation coefficient between authorization and employees’ performance Correlation between authorization and employees’ performance Pierson correlation coefficient (r) +0. 618 Number (N) 250 Significance level (P) PO. OOH Result Contemplativeness Given to results of table (5) because the calculated amount for Pierson correlation there is no positive relationship between leadership development and employees’ performance. HI : there is a positive relationship between leadership development ND employees’ performance. Table 6- Pierson correlation coefficient between leadership development and employees’ performance Correlation between leadership development and employees’ performance Pierson correlation coefficient (r) +0. 610 Number (N) 250 Significance level (P) PO. OOH Result Contemplativeness Given to results of table (6) because the calculated amount for Pierson correlation existence of relation between the two variables is confirmed. Multiple regression analysis of employees’ performance based on leadership development dimensions In his section predictive impact of predictor variables (coaching, education and development, empowerment, participation in decision-making and authorization) on the criterion variable (employees’ performance) is explained and studied using step by step multiple regression analysis. Results are illustrated in table (7). Table 7- multiple regression analysis of employees’ performance based on leadership development dimensions Test statistics Predictor variables B Remained authorization in education and analysis development empowerment Not coaching inserted participation in in declassifications making 0. 46 0. 200 0. 138 0. 037 0. 030 B Sigh P;O. OOI P=o. 001 P=o. 021 P=o. 550 P=o. 664 seta Significance level of beta Multiple correlation coefficient R 0. 664 Coefficient of determination R2 0. 434 Fstatistic Significance level of Fstatistic F Sig P;O. OOI F 64. 80 As results of table (7) show variables of authorization, education and development and empowerment are remained in analysis among the inserted predictor variables based on the highest significance level respectively (P;O. OI , PO. 5). 158 Authorization, education and development and empowerment explain employees’ performance score significantly (PO. OI, R2= 0. 434, 64. 680). These variables are important in predicting employees' performance and totally they have allocated 43% of variance of employees' performance score to themselves. Positive coefficients of calculated beta (P) for authorization (P = 0. 45), education and development (P = 0. 20) and empowerment (P = 0. 14) reveal that employees’ performance score is increased by increasing scores of these variables. Therefore it is inferred that authorization, education and development and empowerment have the highest impact on Conclusion Obtained results of analyzing statistical data demonstrate that there is a positive and significant relationship among leadership development and its dimensions. Authorization and education and development among leadership development dimensions are strong correlates of employees’ performance. On the other hand, obtained results of regression analysis show variables of authorization, education and development and empowerment are remained in analysis among predictor variables (leadership development dimensions) based on the highest significance bevel and coaching and participation in decision-making are not inserted in analysis. Authorization, education and development and empowerment variables explain employees’ performance score significantly. These variables are important in predicting employees’ performance. Therefore, it is concluded that authorization, employees’ performance respectively. Recommendations It is recommended to managers as instructors to create and accelerate learning to improve employees’ performance; train and develop employees through methods such as Job cycle, assistance and etc; try to empower employees; provide the ground or employees’ participation in decision-makings by making individuals familiar with affairs and their manner and it is necessary to prioritize authorization methods in their management. Also it is recommended to conduct this survey topic in other institutions and organizations and study the relationship among leadership development and productivity and efficiency. References Alvin, S. M, 1996, General management, Tehran: SAME Publishing Co. David J. L. (2000). A Determination of Interpersonal Interaction Expectations in International Buyer-Seller . Relationships. Ph. D. Dissertation, Blackburn, Virginia Dissents, David. F ; Robins, P, 2011, Principles of human resources management, translated by Keyed Nagging, M. A and Highway, S, Tehran: Amah Shame Werner-Brome, Gina. , Hughes, Richard L. (2009) Leadership Development: Past, Present, and Future. Center for Creative Leadership. Human Resource Planning, available at: www. CLC. Org Heresy, Paul ; Blanchard, Kong Etch, 1996, Organizational behavior management, translated by Kabuki, GHZ, Tehran: Male Swahili Shrine, S, 1995, Leadership theories, Tehran:Game Lacerated,J ; Jam’ Nazi, A, 2011, Relationship between emotional intelligence and reference style of managers’ leadership, Journal of Management Perspective, No. , spring Moravia, M, 2009, Special topic in managers’ leadership style, Tehran: Management Organization. Oilier, Goldsmith Karate, 2005, Leadership development and organizational changes, translated by Modeling, H. R, Tehran: Management Organization Regain, A, 2005, Principles of organization and management, SAME Publishing Co. Sat, E, 2008, Human resources management (20th edition), SAME Publishing Co. Sang, Pet er, 2008, Dance of change: challenges of Research-Industrial Group Publications 159 How to cite The Role of Leadership in Emplyee Performance, Papers

Introduction to the System Thinking-Free-Samples for Students

Questions: 1.How to apply Ice-berg Model to solve Domestic Violence in the Society. 2.To what extent do you agree with this statement, and why? Draw on one of the following wicked problems to illustrate your answer. Answers: Introduction System thinking is one of the ways of providing solutions to problems whereby the issue is broken down into individual portions which are different and then establish a relationship between these parts of the problem. Whereas the traditional approach emphasizes on the exact whole problem under study, system thinking is concerned with understanding the relationship that exists between the individual parts of the whole problem. Thus, this aspect of system thinking has positioned it in a better position to handle and solve complex problems by establishing the relationship that exists between the various entities involved (Sweeney and Sterman, 2007, p. 285). A look at the current life on the planet, many aspects have changed, and thus, the problem has developed to be more complicated to be solved the traditional thinking methods. The advance in complexity of issues on the planet has made it necessary for the application of system thinking to handle these problems (Celano, Smith and Kaslow, 2010, p. 40). Systems thinking has proofed in many cases to be better than traditional thinking in handling the complex problems in the society. It combines technology, process, and skills to handle these problems. However, just like the traditional thinking, systems thinking also has some weaknesses and thus cannot solve all the complex problems in the society. The main aim of this essay is to establish why system thinking is a better option of handling the complex, wicked problems in the world. The paper attempts to explain and compare the application of both thinkings and thus proof how effective system thinking can be over the traditional thinking in solving the problems. To achieve this aim, the essay has other objectives which include establishing the establishing the various ways through which systems thinking can solve the domestic violence and then comparing it with the extend that the problem will be solved when the current thinking is applied on the same problem. Therefore, this will provide a good platform to compare the two kinds of thinking and thus, realize the power of system thinking to solve complex problems (Barton and Haslett, 2007, p. 150). The plan of this essay begins by bringing out an analysis of the domestic violence as a wicked problem in the society. It further attempts to apply systems thinking to solve this wicked problem. This is achieved by the systematic integration of the four levels of the ice-berg model of systems thinking to solve problems. Also, the essay tries to discuss the various strengths found and its associated weaknesses in the process of applying systems thinking. Also, the plan of the essay also covers the position of systems thinking in solving wicked problems and thus, reveals the position as to whether it can solve them or not. Looking at the definitions, domestic violence is defined as a state of disagreement that happens in an intimate or family relationship where one partner abuses the other. Examples of these abuses can be financial, psychological, emotional, physical or sometimes sexual. As a wicked problem, the domestic violence is complex regarding its happening. The cause of the problem is not clear nor the solution thus its nature is complex. Also, the problem has interconnections that occasionally conflict when handling the problem that can lead to unforeseen trouble (Stanton and Welsh, 2011). The nature of domestic violence has made the application of the current thinking to fail in several cases, and therefore, this has prompted for the attempts to apply system thinking to solve this wicked problem (Ehrlinger and Eibach, 2011, p. 60). Domestic violence, like other sustainable challenges in the world, has various characteristics of wicked problems. The violence is unclear to be understood, unstable and lacks a vivid solution. Besides, the problem has many interconnections to other variables and thus, handling it affects other factors. The main factor that causes domestic violence cannot be established for handling because there is a series of unclear suspected causes that have not been proofed. Every human being can fall a victim of domestic violence in the world because it affects everybody (Gregory and Miller, 2014, p. 319). The sustainability of this wicked problem in the society can be attributed to a range of factors. These include the different personal experiences for those abused and the abusers. Some of these experiences include jealousy, low self-esteem, and the fear of being abandoned among other factors. Besides, the beliefs in the human society whereby a man is placed higher than the women have sustained the domestic violence. Also, domestic violence has been sustained by the slackness in the society to handle cases of domestic violence when they happen. This laxity entails the blame of the women, failed persecutions and many other factors (Arnold and Wade, 2015, p. 669). 1.Ice-berg Model to solve Domestic Violence in the Society System thinking is a way to handle complex problems in the society can use models for effectiveness. This helps in guiding the steps that can be employed to achieve system thinking. There are six main steps used in solving the problems through systems thinking. These are an understanding of the problem, observation of the patterns over time, making a statement of focus, establishing the structure, a deeper analysis and a plan for intervention. When the ice-berg model is used, it summarizes these steps into four main levels (Richmond, 2010). These are event level, pattern generation, the establishment of structures and creation of the mental models. Ice-berg model systematic guide of levels that critical solving the problems. The event level of the ice-berg model of system thinking can be explained to be the first stage of observing the actual things that are happening. Regarding domestic violence, it has been observed that when people come into intimate relationships, there are chances of disagreements and differences occurring which in turn results in domestic violence (Catalano, 2007). This has the chances of happening to anyone anywhere in the world. In a case of disagreements, one partner abuses the other, and this may happen in many different possible ways. The main domestic abuses that have been observed are financial, psychological, emotional, physical or sometimes sexual (Soderquistand and Overakkar, 2010, p. 197). Also, the violence has been observed to cause effects to the victims. These effects include both social and economic effects to people. The second level of the ice-berg model is the observing the patterns. Domestic violence has depicted various important trends in its happening of the events. The violence has equal chances of happening to all people in the society (International Labour Organization, 2009). It does not consider the gender, sexuality, economic status, job position, religion or ethnicity. This is a very important pattern that brings out the complexity of domestic violence a wicked problem. Also, another pattern that has been observed is that the violence does not consider the kind of relationship of the intimate partners (Kumanyika, Parker and Sim, 2010). Thus, domestic violence happens equally to lesbians, bisexual, transgender and heterosexuals without any discrimination. Both male and female can be victims of domestic violence in the society. However, as a pattern, domestic violence has been observed to be mostly caused by the men in the society, and the women are the ones that experience the domestic abuse. There are only a few cases where the woman starts the domestic violence and makes the man to be victimized of this. This has happened only in a few cases especially where the woman is older than the man. The violence does not consider the stage of the relationship or the age of the family. Also, the violence rarely happens as a one-off thing but tends to grow over a period (Banerjee and Esther, 2011). Therefore, it is clear that the gender that mainly triggers the violence is men. The third level of the ice-berg model of system thinking is the establishment of the structure. Firstly, regarding the cause, the statistical information has depicted the pattern of men causing most of the violence in the society. The structure of this happens is attributed to the society and its position placement of the man. The society has advocated for men to have more ego than the women (United Nations, 2010). Therefore, the gender parity has one of the causes of violence where men dominate over the women. Some of the other causes of domestic violence include the desire of the abusers to have control of their partners. The control can be of different types that abuser seeks to achieve. This cause is associated with the power imbalance in the sexes as it exists in the society. Besides, some minor factors lead to the violence such as drug abuse, excessive drinking of alcohol, lack of employment, poor health of the partner, and stress among other factors (International Labor Organization 2009). These factors have the potential of making the partners to lose their minds and thus cause violence to their partners. Lastly, the ice-berg model covers the mental model level. This is a stage where the model provides room for critical thinking to provide solutions and conclusions that are in line with the problem structure and the patterns observed. From the problem structure described above, one of the items mentioned is the positioning of the men in the society (Meadows, 2008). This problem can be solved through establishing strict penalties for those who engage in the domestic violence. Also, the court needs to be stricter and thus reform to come up with rigorous ways of handling this cases. Also, the women should be funded to be empowered economically, and this will help them get a better respectable position in the society. However, such an action should be done carefully to avoid arising of other problems associated with this challenge (Hindin, Sunita and Donna, 2008). It is evident that there is no direct method that can be applied to solve domestic violence in the society. However, the approached taken are meant to reduce the occurrence and also lower the magnitude of the violence in the society. Also, as a solution, the there is need to come up with prevention programs of the causes. The programs should run for some time and then continuously evaluate their effectiveness. Such strategies will help curb the vices that usually leads to domestic violence and thus, reduce the violence to a reasonably good level. However, it should be noted that employing tactics to reduce or curb domestic violence must be done carefully given the fact the violence as a wicked problem has its associated repercussions when attempting to reduce it (Cabrera and Laura, 2015). 2.Extent to which system thinking solves domestic violence Through the ice-berg model, systems thinking can curb domestic violence to a big extent compared to the current thinking system. The model provides a step to step process that helps in working out solutions for the solving of domestic violence in the society (Hazen Soriano, 2007, p. 570). Thus, systems thinking is the best method to apply in solving the wicked problems. However, there is a need for maximum precautions to be taken when applying the model. This is because as a wicked problem, there are possibilities of the arising of new associated problems due to applications of the methods that are providing a solution to the challenge. Therefore, this can lower the efficiency of systems thinking in solving the wicked problems. Conclusion In conclusion, system thinking is a better than the current thinking in handling the wicked problems in the society. The approach considers the complex problems as small units which have interconnecting relationships. The approach can be applied in many cases where the traditional thinking method has failed. Systems thinking the approach has models that can be employed to provide the steps that can guide in handing the wicked problems through systems thinking. Thus, systems thinking is a better problem-solving method than the current thinking system. Also, unlike the current thinking which is unstructured, systems thinking is highly structured, and thus it is in a better position to handle these challenging wicked problems. These among other characteristics have been key in providing the driving force of the systems thinking. However, systems thinking also has some shortcomings on its side although they are minimal compared to those of the current thinking. Therefore, system thinking is the appropriate way to handle wicked changes in the society such as the domestic violence and many others. References Arnold, R., and Wade, J. (2015). "A Definition of Systems Thinking: the Systems Approach," Procedia Computer Science, Volume 44, pp. 669-678 Banerjee, V. and Esther D. (2011).Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of a Way to Fight Global Poverty. New York: Public Affairs. Barton, J., and Haslett, T. (2007). Analysis, synthesis, systems thinking and the scientific method: Rediscovering the importance of open systems. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 24, pp. 143-155. Cabrera, D. and Laura C. (2015).Systems Thinking Made Simple. New Hope for Solving Wicked Problems.United States of America: Odysseus Press. Catalano, S. (2007). Intimate partner violence in the United States. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics Celano, M., Smith, C., and Kaslow, N. (2010). The couple and family therapy competency. Psychotherapy, 47, pp. 35-44. Ehrlinger, J., and Eibach, R. (2011). Focalism and the failure to foresee the unintended Consequences. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 33, pp. 59-68. Gregory, A. and Miller, S. (2014). "Using Systems Thinking to Educate for Sustainability in a Business School," Systems, Volume 2, pp. 313-327 Hazen, A., Soriano, F. (2007). Experiences with intimate partner violence among Latina Women. Violence against Women, pp. 562-582. Hindin, M., Sunita K. and Donna L. (2008). Intimate partner violence among couples in 10 DHS Countries: predictors and health outcomes. DHS Analytical Studies, No. 18. Calverton, Maryland: Macro International. International Labour Organization (2009).The Cost of Coercion: Global Report under the The follow-up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.International Labour Conference, 98th Session. Report of the Director General. Geneva. Kumanyika, S., Parker, L. and Sim, L. (2010). Defining the Problem: The Importance of Taking a Systems Perspective in Bridging the Evidence Gap in Obesity Prevention: A Framework to Inform Decision Making. Washington, National Academies Press. Meadows, D. (2008). Thinking in systems. White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green Publishing Richmond, B. (2010). "The Thinking in Systems Thinking: Eight Critical Skills," TracingConnections, ISEE systems, and the Creative Learning Exchange Soderquistand, C. and Overakkar, S. (2010). "Education for Sustainable Development: ASystems Thinking Approach," Global Environmental, Research, pp. 193-202 Stanton, M. and Welsh, R. (2011). Specialty competencies in couple and family psychology. NewYork, NY: Oxford University PressSweeney, L. and Sterman, D. (2007). Thinking about systems: Student and teacher conceptions of natural and social systems. System Dynamics Review, 23, pp. 285-312. United Nations (2010).The Worlds Women 2010: Trends and Statistics.Series K, No. 19. SalesNo. E10.XVII.11.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Sunset Essay Example For Students

Sunset Essay Seriously, I only witnessed the sunset few times during my existence. Though explanation may take quite some time, but do allow me. Singapore- a tiny piece of land lying at the tip of Malay Peninsular. Having a population of around three million ( yes, same as the number of cows providing us with milk in New Zealand, as emphasised in that famous milk advertisement), that leaves us pondering over the suffiency of living space for the growing nation. Adolf Hitler wanted living space for his German mates, so that intelligent being resolved that by sending troops to invade his neighbouring countries. Now, how would things be like if the Singapore Government apply the same tactic of the great dictator in the gaining of land space? Just imaigne our National Service men being ordered to march over to our neighbours, Malaysia n Indonesia, claud in their cute patchy-green uniforms and clutching onto their M16? Trying to invade them? Considering the fact aht we even have problems purchasing water from the Malaysians, do pardon me for my ridiculous thoughts. Singapore is ruled by a bunch of diploma-holders the brainers with a mission of ensuring comfortable lives for their fellow citizens. Sights of people roaming about like stray animals may be something that leaves a bad impression on those foreigners which the countrys economy depended much on! Everyone has to have a place to stay at. Yes, we have terraced, semi-detached, mansions, condoniniums available here. The smart ones came up with the concept of HDB flats. HDB is our reliable Housing Development Board. Just like the clothes we wear, HDB flats, the high-rise apratements comes in all colours, shapes, and sizes. Made affordable for the countrys middle-class, you have choices for 2-room, 3-room, 4-room, mansionate, executive etc. With the incresase in population, the need to house more people allowed these HDB flats to sprout out at every available plot of land like wild weeds, like it is nobodys business. When the flat lands are all used, they take the high lands. Our towns such as Bukit Batok, Bukit Panjang and Bukit Timah (with Bukit meaning hill in the malay language), no longer have the identity which speaks for what they were meant to be. For the smart-alecs had flatten the tiny hills to build these HDB flats!I deserved a spanking for being so complacent. Though I myself is one of the many HDB flats dwellers, a few personal opinions does not hurt much, huh?Going back to Sunset, the subject which is meant to be what we should be looking upon on, you will understand the purpose for all that talk on HDB flats. Recalling my younger days, my mother used to allow me to stand on stool at my balcony at evening time, to observe the sunset. The 10th storey of my flat gave me the then-seemed perfect view of the sun as it guadually hide itself behind the buildings far beyong. I remembered withnessing the sky and the clouds changing its colours too- yellow, purple, blue and in a few minutes, all black, all total darkness. It was like some person providing the people with light during the day and by a certain time he decides he needs to resolve to some rest, placing on a dark hood as pyjamas, n sleep. onli returing by the next day. Much patience is a requirement for the tactics to the enjoyment of watching the sunset. I failed in that. I seldom took the time to view the sights available for me. Just in a few years, the HDB bought the empty plot of land which laid across my flat, constructing buildings that towered over my block. 30 storeys! To think that 12-storeys for a flat used to be rahter high! With these tall sights right in my eyes the moment I look out of my balcony, do I get to see the sunset, or the sunrise? Well, nothing!Blame is on the HDB, but without them, where will I be living right now?Blame it on me for being a Singaporean Citizen. .u5c7504d7fcd9cef6ae90db733ed335cc , .u5c7504d7fcd9cef6ae90db733ed335cc .postImageUrl , .u5c7504d7fcd9cef6ae90db733ed335cc .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u5c7504d7fcd9cef6ae90db733ed335cc , .u5c7504d7fcd9cef6ae90db733ed335cc:hover , .u5c7504d7fcd9cef6ae90db733ed335cc:visited , .u5c7504d7fcd9cef6ae90db733ed335cc:active { border:0!important; } .u5c7504d7fcd9cef6ae90db733ed335cc .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u5c7504d7fcd9cef6ae90db733ed335cc { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u5c7504d7fcd9cef6ae90db733ed335cc:active , .u5c7504d7fcd9cef6ae90db733ed335cc:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u5c7504d7fcd9cef6ae90db733ed335cc .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u5c7504d7fcd9cef6ae90db733ed335cc .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u5c7504d7fcd9cef6ae90db733ed335cc .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u5c7504d7fcd9cef6ae90db733ed335cc .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5c7504d7fcd9cef6ae90db733ed335cc:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u5c7504d7fcd9cef6ae90db733ed335cc .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u5c7504d7fcd9cef6ae90db733ed335cc .u5c7504d7fcd9cef6ae90db733ed335cc-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u5c7504d7fcd9cef6ae90db733ed335cc:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Insects Essay SummaryOnce again, it is just for the sunset, so I should stop complaining.